Who am I? "나는 누구인가"

어릴 때 컴퓨터를 접하게 된 이후 프로그래머에 대한 동경이 있었습니다. 친구들은 게임 플레이를 좋아했지만, 어릴적...

2 minute read

How To Start Programming

Post-ironic jean shorts bushwick umami, synth beard austin hell of meh kitsch distillery sustainable plaid...

3 minute read

10 Tips To Improve Your Workflow

Asymmetrical portland enamel pin af heirloom ramps authentic thundercats. Synth truffaut schlitz aesthetic, palo santo...

5 minute read

Conference on Javascript

Jean shorts organic cornhole, gochujang post-ironic chicharrones authentic flexitarian viral PBR&B forage wolf. Man braid...

2 minute read

Welcome to Jekyll!

You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build...

1 minute read